Tuesday, September 11, 2007

NLP Master Practitioner Certification Workshop - MId October 2007

With Nick Le Force

This is truly an experiential International NLP Master Practitioner Certification by Nick Le Force. Take advantage of this and be certified NOW.

Nick LeForce has over 30 years of experience in the field of human communication and development. He holds a Masters degree in Rehabilitation A
dministration from the University of San Francisco McLaren School of Business and undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Social Welfare. Nick provides executive coaching services and management consultation to businesses as well as personal development services to individuals.

He specializes in Value-Based Life Management Skills, helping individuals and businesses to identify governing values and use those values to create compelling goals, make effective decisions, manage time, overcome barriers to success, communicate persuasively, and achieve desired outcomes.
He has provided on-site consultation and training in Communication Skills, Customer Service Skills, Change Management, Conflict Resolution, Supervisory Skills, Time Management, and other topics. Nick has worked with both private and public sector clients, including AT&T, Blue Diamond Almond Growers, California Farm Bureau Federation, Citizens Utilities, Department of General Services, Department of Fish and Game, Holiday Inn, Sheraton Hotels, Sacramento County Municipal Services Agency, Standard Office Systems, State Teachers Retirement System, Water Resources Control Board, United Corporate Furnishings, Varsity Contractors, and others.

He is listed as a Quality Consultant with the California Department of Personnel Administration, Office of Statewide Continuous Improvement.
Since 1983, he has studied extensively with leaders in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy. He is an internationally recognized trainer of Coaching skills, NLP and Hypnotherapy.

Nick is known for his lively and humorous presentation style.

Mastery In Neuro-Linguistic Programing

Why pursue Mastery in NLP?

Once you’ve acquired the basic skills and knowledge of being an NLP Practitioner, the natural step is to become a certified Master NLP Practitioner. This certification will provide you the depth and refinement of your already developed NLP foundation skills.

The NLP Mastery workshop equips an individual with wide and deep knowledge and skills in the discipline.

Acquire considerable skills which will extend your ability to communicate with and influence a wider range of personalities;

Polish knowledge and skills to facilitating more pervasive positive transformation work with beliefs, values, meta-programs, self image, life direction and living skills;

Furthering deep-rooted long-term personal and professional development by deepening goals and desired outcomes;

The mastery path leads to personal mastery of some of the most effective tools for change that exist in our world today. You will learn how to apply NLP to a variety of applications including education, physical and mental health, business, leadership, family, social skills, creativity, modeling of excellence and much much more.

NLP Master Practitioner Certification is a full-length 10-day workshop, divided into 2 modules of 5 days each, leading to full certification as an NLP Master Practitioner. This workshop is open to Certified NLP Practitioners only. A certificate will be awarded when the 2 modules are successfully completed with full attendance and submission of assignments.

Course Content

The Course Content of the NLP Master Practitioner Certification include -

Introduction to NLP Mastery

Pathways to Mastery


Setting Outcomes

Advanced Language Patterns

Linguistic Presuppositions

Advanced Sub-modalities

Advanced Anchoring Skills

Hierarchy of Ideas

Meta Model

Milton Model

Modal Operators

Prime Concerns

Language Process - Cartesian Logic


Meta States


Advanced Hypnosis

Meta Programs


Time Line Techniques

Releasing Traumatic Memory -

General Model for Behavioral Intervention

Important issues in Releasing Symptoms

Booking details


Pacific Regency Hotel, Lorong P. Ramlee, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Module 1 - October 17 - 21, 2007 ( 09:30 am - 06:00 pm)

Module 2 - November 17 - 21, 2007 ( 09:30 am - 06:00 pm)

Included - Master Practitioner Study Manual

Course Fee:

On or before September 30, 2007 - Ringgit Malaysia 4,500.00

From September 11, 2007 - Ringgit Malaysia 5,200.00

Register NOW


Please email t0 ceo@1lsp.com to request for an Application Form.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I am back from NLPU - California

Robert Dilts and I

Suzie Smith and I

Judith Delozier and I

I arrived home on the 11th Aug 2007 and have mixed feelings. I enjoyed myself tremendously while I was at the University of NLP (University of California) in Santa Cruz. The networking was fantastic and I have learned lots and lots from different cultures, different people. The huge amount of feedback makes me really think out of the box. I was amongst other trainers, professionals in teaching, consultants and most of all, people are generally very open when we are in the same community. EAT, SLEEP, BREATHE NLP day and night. The first week went by very slowly, then the second week was faster then the first week. Then the final week just zoomed past as we had so many assignments to complete. It was presentation after presentation day after day. I had it so much in my body and cell overflowing inside me. It was a unforgettable experience and the trainers were such Great people. I am now absolutely confident and have created the type of training which is my very own masterpiece. It is unique and is aimed at making a difference for people who attend my workshops. I am putting myself in the participants shoes all the time when I prepared the modules and it is going to be fun and experiential learning . The workshops will definitely benefit them. These modules will create lots of learning experience for the participants. Loads of experiential learning is the best way to learn and achieving memorable outcomes...and delivering miracles.

Monday, July 9, 2007

My Passionate NLP Pursuit In California

I'm already at the University Of California, Santa Cruz, USA since July 5. I'm taking the train-the-trainer workshop with Robert Dilts at NLP University. Yes. This is my pursuit this year for more knowledge and skills in the field of NLP. After this I'll be able to train and certified others in NLP. This is a 3-week workshop.

I'll write about this journey when I complete this expected grueling experience filled with lots of assignment and projects. The best thing is that I'll have a wonderful opportunity to meet participants from all over the world. Magical!!

Leanne over and out...

p/s Oh..I'm still have my sleepless jet-lagged nights....ZZZzzz. There is also something I'm looking forward to after the workshop. My earnestly awaited vacation to New York.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

NLP Coaching - Making The Difference

NLP Coaching is the direct opposite of consulting, counseling, teaching and others. Reason is that coaching does not give you answers. Other methodologies vie you their answers to your problems.

Coaching has questioning tools that draw from within yourself to bring out the best answers and solutions. No one knows better than oneself. One has all the resources to overcome a situation one can best understand. No other person than than affected person know best who just have to be led to discover the resources and solutions.

That's what makes the difference in the whole transformation experience for anyone to take baby steps to reach their ultimate goals in life.

After been doing coaching for sometime now. I have found it absolutely satisfying especially, when I see the clients progressed well. I always look forward and being excited for them to be able to achieve what they want in life. More particularly, they can become self-effective and manage their life so much better and being so clear in their goals and the motivation behind getting to where they want to get to.

Through coaching, I've learned a lot from my clients on how they operate and how they have become successful as they are. Most importantly, I was able to assist them to keep modeling and improving their actions to achieve greater desired results.

Therefore, I would recommend a personal coach for anyone - one who desires to do better in what they do well, who wants to achieve their goals, who would like to manage and lead others well, who wishes to be an expert in communication and to be a better person, to manage relationships well.

Not any coach. Someone they can trust and would go right deep into the discovery of their latent core essential values that most matters. And that's where NLP Coaches make the difference!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sharing Moments On March 5, 2007

Today was another new day where I was invited to speak to a group of NLP Practitioners with regards to applications of NLP in their daily lives. I first facilitated them to set out their outcomes for the day. Thereafter, I went on find a common one amongst the group that we could discuss. Many of them do not realize that they were already using some of the techniques.

I shared with them in particular on the following three segments -

1)My initial involvement;

2)My gestation period; and

3)My eventual breakthrough.

At the end of the 3-hour session, intentions and outcomes were met. It was very
fulfilling indeed, realizing that they feel more confident on how to apply NLP in their work.

NLP coaching was the breakthrough that I discovered in the applications of NLP. I find that NLP can enormously compliment our professional skills in a variety of ways. It compliments just about any convention or alternative therapeutic discipline.

It can assist us in executing our professional skills in a more focused and systematic manner.It helps to create the kind of deep rapport that enables others to quickly move to far deeper core issues simultaneously enhancing our insights and empathy with people we are connected with.

Monday, February 26, 2007

More Bits About Coaching

Coaching Using NLP Applications

What I
s NLP?

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programing, a form of applied psychology that specializes in dealing directly with solving people’s problems and concerns whether they are mental, emotional or physical, or a combination, Everything a person says, and how it is said is important. The words and phrases a person uses to describe oneself reveal one’s thought structure, beliefs and values. Then the NLP detective work begins: a cooperative process of exploration to discover the cause to discover the cause and find the best solution.

What Is Coaching For Individual?

Coaching for individuals gives people the boost they need to get from where they are to where they want to be. Personal and executive coaching focuses on personal effectiveness in the business environment, personal and career development, purpose and mission. Coaching helps people facilitate the changes that need to be made in order to meet their objectives, and develop to their fullest potential. Coaching is a deliberate process utilizing focused conversations to create an environment for an individual growth, purposeful action and sustained improvement. 1-to-1 coaching services are customized for the each individual.

Thousands of people have hired a coach to:

.Kick a stalled career into high gear;

.Stay on top of mounting responsibilities;

.Take the next big step on the leadership pathhttp://www2.blogger.com/img/gl.italic.gif; and

.Handle difficult and important relationships.

Coaching produces lasting change in a natural and respectful way. It takes place over a series of months. During this time, the coach and client ‘meet’ once every 2 weeks over face-to-face, typically for an hour in length.

The client determines the agenda for the meeting and uses their coaching time in a variety of ways. A session could be used to evaluate choices, make a decision, set a direction, invent a strategy or plan, evaluate a current habit is working, sorting through a challenge, or make a commitment.

Types Of Coaching

Executive Coaching – Develops fast-trackers and high performing leaders. Often executives need an objective, neutral sounding board to discuss challenges, opportunities and their perspective. Coaches allow executives and managers to step away from their day-to-day routine and effectively strategizes on how they can reach beyond where they are currently.

Professional Development Coaching – Is similar to executive coaching and is offered at all levels within the organization.

Career Development Transition Coaching – Is for individuals needing and / or wanting movement from their current position. Career coaching helps individuals to utilize their strengths, to see where they may have blind spots and to identify a course of action.

Private Individual Coaching – Is for individual who wants to develop balance, joy, gratefulness and richness of experience in daily life. What person do I want to create and live in? How do I want to craft my life? How do I build happiness?

Bits Of What An NLP Coach? - Part 1

What is a NLP Coach is?

A Coach is someone who believes in your potential. Someone whom you can trust
with your dreams. Those dreams and desires that you want to positively achieve in your life.

What do you really want?

I will form the best partnership and alliance as well as act as a fantastic sounding board. I will offer you accurate and honest feedback. You would be able to hear yourself...AHA...Is that what I have just said?

I, as a Coach, will not tell you how to live your life because I believe that you have all the resources to live the life you want.

A Coach asks the most in-depth questions to assist you to search and feel right deep inside your conscious mind for conscious values, and most importantly of all, elicit the unconscious values. Profound and meaningful answers have to be discovered by you. And very often those answers are always the best answers for You.

More on coaching to be continued...

Just Something More About Me

Using the latest NLP tools, allow me to challenge you, inspire you, encourage you, excite you to step up, launch you forward, and have yourself create positive transformations into outcomes that you so desire. See yourself making positive changes in your own lives. My deep passion and dedication for positive personal enrichment has been my sheer driving force. My fulfillment is based on your fulfillment. Whether you are looking for CEO coaching, life coaching, coaching of children, teenager coaching, NLP, business coaching, sales coaching or sports coaching, let me be your peak performance coach. I do encourage companies who wish to improve staff performance and motivation, building excellent sales teams. Please contact me for more details. Having worked with corporate companies and seeing the impact NLP and coaching have on teams and individuals, I would highly recommend it.

My Burning Passion - Coaching With NLP Tools

Coaching has been a burning passion for me through helping people in making positive outcomes and breakthrough changes. Indeed it is very rewarding.

I find personal experiential growth as well as a deep sense of fulfillment and enrichment from people who have achieved positive outcomes they beyond their own expectations. I am a catalyst and a facilitator for each individuals. They delivered miracles to themselves. It is them who make the transformations possible.

This is one place where I will continue to share my experiences and my passion. Thanks for giving me your time to read what I have written and my rumblings. I hope somehow or rather it can be an enriching experience for you as it has been for me.